Academic Staff
Renato Matoso Brandão
Academic Responsibilities
Coordinator of PUC-Rio’s Centre of Ancient Philosophy; editor of the magazine Archai: as origens do pensamento ocidental; guest lecturer of the Post-Graduate Programme of Metaphysics at the University of Brasília; member of the UNESCO-Archai Professorship
Doctorate in Philosophy, PUC-Rio, 2014
He works in the field of Ancient Philosophy, with emphasis on Metaphysics, the Theory of Knowledge and the Philosophy of Language. Since 2004, he has carried out research activities with the Centre of Ancient Philosophy (NUFA) of PUC-Rio. During his doctorate studies, he collaborated with Prof. Mary Louise Gill of Brown University on research into the work of Plato, particularly the Parmenides dialogue. He has conducted post-doctorate research with the UNESCO-Archai professorship of the University of Brasília and on the Post-Graduate Programme on Logic and Metaphysics at UFRJ. He is currently professor of the Graduate and Post-Graduate Programmes of Philosophy at PUC-Rio, a guest teacher on the Post-Graduate Programme of Metaphysics at UnB and an active member of the International Plato Society and Metaphysical Society of America.
Lattes Curriculum:
Research projects
Unity and multiplicity in the ontology of the last dialogues of Plato: a new interpretation for “a sea of arguments”
The thought and work of the middle-Platonists
Recent publications
A Ontologia de Sócrates nos Diálogos de Platão, Ed. Paulus, Coleção Cátedra (at the printer’s).
Book chapters:
“Antecipação e continuidade na obra platônica.” in: O Belo na Antiguidade, Ed. NAU, (at the printer’s).
Matoso, R. (2016). “As origens do paradigma desenvolvimentista de interpretação dos diálogos de Platão.” Archai, n.º 18, Sept.-Dec., p. 75-111. DOI: -249X_18_2
“Os argumentos formais dos platonistas em favor da existência das ideias no PERI IDEON e na Metafísica A9 de Aristóteles.” Anais de Filosofia Clássica (online), v. 8, p. 24-47, 2014.
“Parmenides’ Monism and Routes of Being – Texto apresentado no 65th Annual Meeting of The Metaphysical Society of America.”O que nos Faz Pensar?, v.34, p. 367-379, 2014.