Academic Staff
Luiz Camillo Osorio
Academic responsibilities
Director of the Philosophy Department at PUC-Rio; member of the Aesthetics Work Group of CNPQ; holder of PQ CNPq (level 2) fellowship
Doctorate in Philosophy, PUC-Rio, 1998.
He works in the field of Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. His main research interests are: the relationship between art, aesthetics and politics; autonomy and engagement; theories of genius, disinterest and the sublime; the history of the vanguards; the modernity of the judge and the critical potential of art in the contemporary world; curatorship, criticism and the history of art; the relationship between art, the museum and the marketplace.
In parallel to his academic research, he works as a critic and curator. He was the curator of the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro between 2009 and 2015, and the curator of the Brazilian pavilion at the Venice Biennale of 2015. He was a member of the board of curatorship of MAM-SP between 2005 and 2009. He has written columns as an art critic for the newspapers O Globo (1998/2000 and 2003/2006) and Jornal do Brasil (2001) and for the Spanish magazine, EXIT Express (2006/2007). He is a member of the research group registered with CNPQ – Art, Autonomy and Politics – together with the professors Pedro Duarte (Filosofia PUC-Rio) and Sergio Martins (História PUC-Rio)
Curriculum Lattes:
Research projects
Judgment, criticism and curatorship: dislocations of art in the age of museums.
Critical spaces and the horizons of politics in modern and contemporary art
Recent publications
Olhar à margem, Cosac&Naify and Editora do SESI, SP, 2016 (at the printer’s)
Cem anos de Iberê, Cosac&Naify, SP, 2014 (org.)
More recent articles in periodicals
“Octavio Paz depois de Duchamp”, O que nos faz pensar, volume 37, pages 131-139, 2015.
“Virada curatorial: o pôr-em-obra da exposição como poética relacional”, Revista Poiesis, 26, pages 65-80, 2015.
“A política das artes e/ou a apropriação institucional”, Revista artefilosofia, 17, pages 25-31, 2014.
“Sobre Heidegger e a desestetização das artes”, Revista Viso, 15, pages 1-7, 2014.
Capítulos de livro
“Généalogies du Contemporain”, in Art et Societé, Villas-Boas, G and Quemin, A., Open edition press, Marseille, 2016, pages 87-98.
“Desafios da crítica na era dos museus”, in Gosto, interpretação e crítica, Duarte, R., Freitas, V, Reliquário Edições, Belo Horizonte, 2014, pages 129-140.
“Deslocamentos da crítica e a questão do juízo”, in Crítica e valor, Sussekind, F., Pedrosa, C. Dias, T., Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa, RJ, 2014, pages 29-37.