PIBIC – The CNPq Institutional Programme of Scientific Initiation
PIBIC is a programme created by CNPq – National Council of Scientific and Technological Development – intended to encourage scientific vocations and develop potential new talent among graduate students, through their participation in research projects.
According to the guidelines of the CNPq, PIBIC should be regarded as an incentive and preparation for embarking on post-graduate studies. In this regard, it is distinct from other kinds of internships and work focussed on professional training.
Further information, including regarding the online applications system, can be found at the
PIBIC page of PUC-Rio:
PIBID – Institutional Scholarship Programme for Beginner Teachers
The Institutional Scholarship Programme for Beginner Teachers (PIBID) is an initiative for improving and promoting the training of teachers for basic education.
Developed by CAPES (Coordinating Body for Promoting Higher Standards in Post-Graduate Teaching) throughout Brazil, the programme grants scholarships to undergraduates participating in beginner teacher projects developed by Higher Education Institutes (IES) in partnership with primary education schools from the state teaching system. The programme’s objective is to encourage teacher training at post-graduate level for primary education, and to positively promote teaching. The aim is to insert the graduates into the everyday life of public schools, providing them with opportunities to create and participate in methodological experiences of an innovating nature, and to contribute to theoretical-practical communication, both necessary to teacher training. Finally, PIBIC state primary schools, mobilizing their teachers as co-educators of future teachers.
Further information, including regarding the online applications system, can be found at the
PIBIC page of PUC-Rio: