Academic Staff
Paulo Cesar Duque Estrada
Academic duties
Associate Professor; Central Coordinator of Post-Graduation and Research at PUC-Rio; member of the Council of International Cooperation of PUC-Rio; member of the Heidegger Work Group of ANPOF; member of the Brazilian Phenomenology Society (SBPF); editor of the magazine O que nos faz pensar
Doctorate in Philosophy (Boston College, 1993); Master’s in Philosophy (PUC-Rio, 1987); Visiting Fellow (New School for Social Research, 1999-2000).
He works in the fields of phenomenology, hermeneutics and deconstruction, with emphasis on the subjects of language, alterity, ontology, ethics, art and difference.
Lattes Curriculum:
Research projects
Critique of representation in Heidegger and Derrida
Subjectivity and criticism of the subject
Deconstruction of language and writing: paths to another politics
Recent publications
Articles in periodicals
“Heidegger and the ontological reading of praxis: a delimitation of the problems” (“Heidegger e a leitura ontológica da práxis: uma delimitação da problemática.”) Phenomenology Today V (Fenomenologia Hoje V) (2016), 344-362
“Mark and the thought of being: on a Derridean reading.” (“Marx e o pensamento do ser: sobre uma leitura derrideana.” O que nos faz pensar, vol.36 (2015), 107-119
“Never surrender to the file: notes on the ‘File sickness’ of Jacques Derrida.” (“Jamais se renuncia ao arquivo: notas sobre ‘Mal de arquivo’ de Jacques Derrida.”) Natureza Humana, vol. 12-N.2 (2010), 1-16
“From the problem of the method to the method as problem: philosophical hermeneutics and the question of understanding.” (“Da problemática do método ao método como problema: hermenêutica filosófica e a questão do compreender.”) Gragoatá, vol. 29 (2010), 49-63
Book chapters
“Beyond the traces, the traces: writing and deconstruction of the language.” (“Para além dos rastros, os rastros: escritura e desconstrução da linguagem.”) (at the printer’s, 2016)