Academic Staff
Pedro Duarte de Andrade
Academic duties
Editor of the magazine O que nos faz pensar of the Philosophy Department; organizer of the Philosophy Symposia (with Prof. Luisa Severo Buarque de Holanda); member of the Structuring Teaching Centre (Núcleo Docente Estruturante) of the Philosophy Department; member of the Teaching Careers Committee of the CTCH
Master’s and Doctorate Degrees (2009) in Philosophy from the Philosophy Department, PUC-Rio
He currently lectures at undergraduate and post-graduate level, and on Specialization in Art and Philosophy. He was a visiting professor at Brown (US) and Södertörns (Sweden) universities. He is the author of the books Summer of the time: Romanticism and Modern Aesthetics (Estio do tempo: Romantismo e estética moderna) (Zahar) and The modernist word: vanguard and manifesto (A palavra modernista: vanguarda e manifesto) (Casa da Palavra). He is currently preparing a volume on the album “Tropicália” for the collection “The book of the record” (“O livro do disco”) (Cobogó). Emphasis on research in Aesthetics, Contemporary Philosophy, Brazilian Culture and the History of Philosophy. He is a member of the work groups on Aesthetics and Heidegger at ANPOF.
Lattes Curriculum:
Research projects
The essay as form in contemporary philosophy
Philosophy, literature and art
Anthropophagic philosophy
Recent publications
The modernist word: vanguard and manifesto (A palavra modernista: vanguarda e manifesto) (Rio de Janeiro: Casa da Palavra, 2013)
Summer of the Time: Romanticism and Modern Aesthetics (Estio do tempo: Romantismo e estética moderna) (Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2011)
Articles in periodicals
“The essay as narrative” (“O ensaio como narrativa”), VISO – Cadernos de estética aplicada 17 (2016)
“Interdisciplinary Modernism” (“O Modernismo interdisciplinar”), Convergência Lusíada Magazine 27 (2016)
“The contemporaneousness of modern art the essayist requirement of philosophy in Walter Benjamin”, Poiésis – Magazine of the Post-Graduate Programme in Contemporaneous Studies of the Arts 24 (2015)
“The spatial achievement of Mark Rothko”, Dois pontos – Magazine of the Philosophy Department of UFPR 11, n. 2 (2014)
Book chapters
“Dialectics, paradox or irony – what is tragic?”, in The tragic, the sublime and the melancholy (“Dialética, paradoxo ou ironia – o que é o trágico?”, in O trágico, o sublime e a melancolia), org. Verlaine Feitas; Rachel Costa; Debora Pazetto (Belo Horizonte: Relicário, 2016).
“Violence in change, and change in violence”, in Passionate sources of violence (“Violência na mudança e mudança na violência”, in Fontes passionais da violência), org. Adauto Noaves (São Paulo: Sesc, 2015).