The Department
The Philosophy Department seeks to maintain domestic and international agreements in order to build research and exchange networks where the convergence of interests between researchers facilitates the circulation of academic work.
International agreement between the Conesul Group of Philosophy and Formal Sciences (Grupo Conesul de Filosofia das Ciências Formais) and IHPST – Institute of History and the Philosophy of Sciences and Techniques (Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie de Sciences et de Techniques).
Coordenated by Professor Oswaldo Chateaubriand, this agreement is intended to examine the notions of proof, demonstration and representation, which have received increasing attention in the literature. As such, in addition to the obvious importance of the subject of the project, it will also allow for the continuation of the researchers’ prior collaborative work. In addition to PUC-Rio, the following Brazilian universities are involved in the project: UFBA, UFSM and UFG. The coordinator of IHPST in Paris is Professor Marco Panza.
Capes /Cofecub Project 813-14 (2014-2017): Proof, demonstration and representation
Coordinator in Brazil: Oswaldo Chateaubriand Filho (PUC-Rio)
Coordinator in France: Marco Panza (IHPST)
A joint research project in the philosophy of formal sciences involving researchers from Brazilian universities and French researchers associated with IHPST (Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques).
The project was conceived based on the following dual perspective:
- a) The difference between proof (sufficiently broad to do justice to the current and historical complexity of the subject) and formal demonstrations, as well as issues associated therewith;
- b) The different modes of mathematical representation and the search for a notion of proof that takes into account these different modes of representation.
Capes /Cofecub Project – Bidding Process Nº16/2015: Philosophy and Computing: Contemporary Interactions
Coordinator in Brazil: Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Dias Pereira (PUC-Rio)
Brazilian institution: Philosophy Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio
Coordinator of the French team: Jean-Baptiste Joinet
French institution: Philosophy Department, Jean Moulin University, Lyon 3, France.
The project is organized around philosophical and epistemological questions regarding computer science and the processing of information (theoretical computer science). The disciplines covered by this interdisciplinary research programme are mainly Philosophy (epistemology and the philosophy of information technology), Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematics.
Capes/ DINTER Project – 4 / 2016 between the Philosophy Department of PUC-Rio and the Philosophy Department of UVA (Vale do Acaraú State University, Ceará)
Coordinator at PUC-Rio: Luiz Camillo Osorio
Coordinator at UVA: Antonio Glaudenir Brasil Maia
This DINTER will train four teachers from UVA who will take the doctorate course at PUC-Rio. The proposed course will last 48 months with the selection process having taken place during the 2nd semester of 2016 and the start of classes scheduled for March 2017. The course is scheduled to conclude in December 2020. The approved teachers will produce their dissertations in accordance with the lines of the research of the Philosophy Department of PUC-Rio. Teachers from PUC-Rio will undertake teaching and orientation missions at UVA during the course of the project.