Rodrigo Guimarães Nunes

Academic duties

Deputy head of graduate studies; PIBIC departmental coordinator; leader of the research group Materialisms: Ontology, Science and Politics in Contemporary Philosophy (; coordinator of the Capes/PrInt project Networked Politics: New Social Movements, Institutions and Governance; coordinator of the Contemporary Ontologies Working Group, National Association of Researchers in Philsophy (ANPOF); editorial board, Social Movement Studies



PhD in Philosophy, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 2009


Professor Nunes works in modern and contemporary philosophy, particularly in the fields of ontology and political philosophy. He is the author of Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal. A Theory of Political Organisation (Verso, 2021) and Organisation of the Organisationless: Collective Action After Networks (Mute/PML Books, 2014). He was a visiting lecturer at Goldsmiths College, University of London (2007-8), University of East London (2008-2009), University of Westminster (2008), and Jan Van Eyck Academie (2010), as well as a visiting scholar at Brown University (2018-2019). He held CAPES grants for his MA (PUCRS) and PhD (Goldsmiths, University of London), CAPES/PNPD and FAPERGS post-doctoral grants (PUCRS) and a Convênio PUC-Rio/Brown grant (Brown University). He coordinates the CAPES Internationalisation Programme-funded international project Política e Pensadores em Rede: Movimentos Sociais, Instituições e Governança, the Contemporary Ontologies Working Group (ANPOF), and the research group Materialisms: Ontology, Science and Politics in Contemporary Philosophy (CNPq), and is a member of the Brazilian Centre of Research in Democracy and the Centre for Research in Contemporary French Philosophy. He was a member of the editorial committee of the journal Turbulence and is currently in the editorial board of Social Movement Studies. As a curator, he organized the event ‘Stronger Are the Powers of the People’: Politics, Poetics and Popular Education in Brazilian Cinema, 1962-1979, held in London and Berlin.


Lattes curriculum:

Research projects

Immanence and Post-Critical Ontologies

Networked Politics and the Question of Organization

Poetics and Politics in Brazilian Cinema from the 1960s to the 1970s

Recent publications


Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal. A Theory of Political Organisation. Londres: Verso, 2021.

Organisation of the Organisationless. Collective Action After Networks. Londres: Mute/PML Books, 2014.

Journal articles

“Of What Is Bolsonaro the Name?” Radical Philosophy 209 (2021): 3-14.

“From Trance to Vertigo: Images of Political Defeat in Brazilian Cinema.” South Atlantic Quarterly 119 (2020): 477 – 492.

“Todo Lado Tem Dois Lados: Sobre a Ideia de Polarização.” Serrote 34 (2020): 21-43.

(with Juan Grigera, Jeffery Webber, Ludmila Abilio, Ricardo Antunes, Marcelo Badaró Mattos, Sabrina Fernandas, Leda Paulani and Sean Purdy) “The Long Brazilian Crisis: A Forum.” Historical Materialism 27 (2) (2019): 59 – 121.

“O Que São Ontologias Pós-Críticas?.” Eco-Pós 21 (2) (2018): 111-42.

“One or Two Melancholias? 1917, 1968 and the Question of Organisation.” Crisis and Critique 5 (2) (2018): 237 – 263.

“Anonyme, Avant-Garde, Imperceptible: Trois Variations autour du Devenir en Politique.” Rue Descartes 92 (2017): 76 – 101.

(with José Francisco de Andrade Alvarenga) “O Silêncio de Marx: Sobre a Recepção de Espinosa em 1841-1845”. O Que Nos Faz Pensar 26 (41) (2017): 235 – 253.

“It Takes Organizers to Make a Revolution.” Viewpoint (2017).

(with Martín Bergel, Amador Fernandéz-Savater e Franco Ingrassia) “De Utopías Globales, Ruidos y Recomposiciones. Una Conversación sobre Prácticas de Lectura y Movimientos Sociales.” Nueva Sociedad 268 (2017): 38-49.

“Anônimo, Vanguarda, Imperceptível.” Serrote 24 (2016): 34-63.

“To Have Done with the Philosophical Cold War.” Historical Materialism 24 (3) (2016): 226-40.

“The Network Prince: Leadership Between Clastres and Machiavelli.” International Journal of Communication 9 (2015): 3662-3679.

“Entre Negri y Laclau: Los Límites de la Multitud.” Políticas de la Memoria16 (2015): 39-55.

“Learning to No End: Tension and Telos in Pedagogy and Politics.” Lápiz 2 (2015): 81-98.

“Juin n’est pas fini.” Les Temps Modernes 678 (2014): 4-23.

“Generación, acontecimiento, perspectiva. Pensar el cambio a partir de Brasil.” Nueva Sociedad 10 (2014): 42-54.

“Building on Destruction.” South Atlantic Quarterly 112 (2013): 568-576.

“Como Não Ler Foucault e Deleuze, or: Para Ler Foucault e Deleuze Politicamente.” Principios 20 (2013): 558-581.

Book chapters

(with Alyne Costa) “From Tuíra to the Amazon Fires: The Imagery and Imaginary of Extractivism in Brazil.” In The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Art, Visual Culture, and Climate Change, ed. T. J. Demos, Emily Eliza Scott and Subhankar Banerjee. Londres: Routledge, 2021, 35-44.

“Ainda Somos o País do Futuro – o Futuro É que Está Piorando.” In No Tremor do Mundo. Ensaios e Entrevistas à Luz da Pandemia, ed. Luisa Duarte e Vítor Gorgulho. Rio de Janeiro: Cobogó, 2020, 63-75.

“Realismo, Anti-Realismo e Meta-Realismo em Glauber Rocha.” In 1967, Meio Século Depois, ed. Felipe Scovino, Frederico Coelho, Pedro Duarte de Andrade e Sergio Bruno Martins.  Rio de Janeiro: Circuito, 2020, 227-44.

(com Carla Duarte Francisco, Paulo Henrique Cople and Joen Vedel) “In Conversation with George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici.” In Commoning with George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici, ed. Camille Barbagallo, Nic Beuret and David Harvie. London: Pluto, 2019, 11-20.

“Scale,” in Almanac for the Beyond, ed. Jaimey Hamilton Farris. Honolulu: Tropic Books, 2019, 95-98.

“Multidão e Organização: Plano ou Sujeito?” In Negri no Trópico, ed. Homero Santiago, Vera Telles e Jean Tible, eds., . São Paulo: N-1/Autonomia Literária, 2017, 125-38.

“Honneth and Lacan on the Limits of Recognition.” In Justice and Recognition. On Axel Honneth and Critical Theory, organized by Nythamar de Oliveira, Marek Hrubec, Emil Sobottka, Giovanni Saavedra, 73-88. Praga/ Porto Alegre: Filosofia/PUCRS, 2015.

“Pack of Leaders: Thinking Organization and Spontaneity with Deleuze and Guattari. In Occupy: A People Yet to Come, edited by Andrew Conio, 98-124. New Jersey: Open Humanities Press, 2015.

“Notes Towards a Rethinking of the Militant.” In Communism in the 21st Century, edited by Shannon Brincat, vol. 3, 163-188. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2014.

“A Política no Meio. Para uma Interpretação Política dos Dualismos em Deleuze e Guattari.”  In Por uma Política Menor: Arte, Comum, Multidão, organized by Giuseppe Cocco and Maurício Siqueira, 53-84. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa.ção_pol%C3%ADtica_dos_dualismos_em_Deleuze_e_Guattari

Entries “Ancestrality,” “Anhypothetical,” “Arche-Fossil” and “Vitalism.” In: The Meillassoux Dictionary, organized by Peter Gratton and Paul Ennis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014.

Organized volumes

Dossier “Grammars of Bolsonarismo.” Radical Philosophy 2.09 (2021).

Dossier “Brésil: l’Année Qui Ne S’Achève Pas.” Les Temps Modernes 678 (2014).

(with Ben Trott and Emma Dowling) “Affective and Immaterial Labour: Explored”, Ephemera 7 (1) (2007).


“O Presente de uma Ilusão: Estamos em Negação sobre o Negacionismo?”, Piauí, March (2020),

“Are We in Denial About Denial?” Public Books, November 25 (2020),

“Necropolítica de Bolsonaro Aponta para um Futuro Distópico.” Folha de São Paulo, June 18 (2020),

“Ataques do Presidente à Imprensa Passam de ‘Arroubos’ a Tática Consciente.” Folha de São Paulo, May 6 (2020),

“Paulo Guedes e a Liberdade de Fazer Escolhas Ruins”, El País, January 30 (2020),

“Alvim Errou a Mão na Trollagem Inspirada pela Direita dos EUA.” Folha de São Paulo, January 21 (2020),

Bacurau Não É sobre o Presente, mas o Futuro.” El País, May 10 (2019).

“Jair Bolsonaro is Weaker than He Looks.” Jacobin, June 10 (2019).

“Centrists Paved the Way for the Far Right in Brazil.” Al Jazeera, October 24 (2018).

“A President in Prison Won’t Solve the Crisis in Brazil.” Al Jazeera, April 12 (2018),

“A Morte de Marielle É um Sinal ao qual Devemos Estar Atentos.” El País, March 19 (2018),

“E Se Quem Decidisse o Destino de Temer Fosse Você?” El País, July 24 (2017),

“Liderança Distribuída.” Piseagrama 9 (2016): 10-27.

“The Fight for Brazil’s Future.” Al Jazeera, November 17 (2016).

“Brazil’s Silent Majority Has Not Been Swept Up by the Anti-Rousseff Protests.” The Guardian, April 7th (2016).

“The Realist’s Dilemma.” Jacobin, March 28th (2016).

“‘Vai Ter Luto e Luta, ou Não Vai Ter Nada’. Special Interview with Rodrigo Nunes.” IHU Online, May 8th (2016).

“A Vitória da Obscenidade.” Folha de São Paulo, December 4 (2015).

“Educação pela Lama: Ambientalismo em Tempos de Polarização.” Folha de São Paulo, November 29th (2015).

“A ‘Onda Conservadora’ É Menos Fácil de Entender do que Se Imagina.” Folha de São Paulo, August 28th (2015).

“O Realismo Talvez Não Seja o que Você Imagina.” Folha de São Paulo, March 15th (2015).

“As Manifestações Renovarão os Mecanismos Existentes ou Criarão Novos? Special Interveiw with Rodrigo Nunes.” IHU Online, February 17th (2014).

Videos, podcasts etc.

“Bolsonaro and Denialism.” Behind the News, KPFA, December 10 (2020),

“Thinking the Pandemic: Capital or Life.” Panel with Michael Hardt, Asad Haider and Sarah Mason. Red May Seattle, May 2 (2020).

“Polarização Política.” Panel with Pablo Ortellado and Camila Rocha, 2º Simpósio Direitas Brasileiras: Bolsonaro no Poder, June 10 (2020).

“Pandemia e Política no Brasil.” Serrote, April 23 (2020).

“Origens do Bolsonarismo.” Panel with Isabela Kalil, Science and Culture Forum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, December 5 (2019).

“Rodrigo Nunes on a Victory for Fascism in Brazil.” Politics Theory Other podcast 26 (2018),

“O Realismo Talvez Não Seja o que Você Imagina.” TEDx Porto Alegre, March 22 (2018).

“Brazil’s Political Crisis.” The Newsmakers, TRT, May 24th (2017).

“As Motivações das Diversas Correntes de Direita na Política pelo Mundo”, Sem Fronteiras, GloboNews, November 25 (2016).

“Can New Leader Pull Brazil Out of Its Worst Recession?” Inside Story, Al Jazeera, September 1 (2016).—can-new-leader-pull-brazil-out-of-its-worst-recession%3F/5108666970001

“Was President Dilma Rousseff’s Impeachment a Coup?” Inside Story programme, Al Jazeera, May 13th (2016).

“Uma Relação entre Relações: Repensar a Mediação.” Conference at the Seminar Politics of Mediation (Políticas da Mediação), São Paulo Museum of Art, April 15th (2016).

“Is Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff Facing Impeachment?” Inside Story programme, Al Jazeera, August 17th (2015).

“From Social Networks to Political Parties.” Conference at the Finnish Social Forum, April 26th (2015).

“O Luxo do Comunismo.” Conference at the International Symposium The Thousand Names of Gaia (Os Mil Nomes de Gaia), September 19th (2014).

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