Déborah Danowski





Doctoral degree in philosophy from PUC-Rio, in 1991, with the dissertation Nature and Chance: contingency in the philosophy of David Hume (Natureza Acaso: a contingência na filosofia de David Hume). Post-doctorate researches: at Paris IV University (Panthéon-Sorbonne), in 2001, with the project Some aspects of Leibniz’s doctrine of free will and his theory of relations (Tópicos da doutrina do livre-arbítrio e da teoria das relações em Leibniz), under the supervision of Michel Fichant; and at PUC-SP, from August 2018 to February 2019, with the project Denialism (Negacionismos), under the supervision of Peter Pál Pelbart.


Professor at the Philosophy Department of PUC-Rio. Productivity research fellowship holder from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Main lines of research: Modern Philosophy (Hume, Leibniz), Metaphysics, New Ontologies, Ecological Thought.

Current academic-administrative duties

Professor (Adjunct 2), Graduate Programme in Philosophy, PUC-Rio; member of the department’s Teaching Careers Committee; member of the Consultative Council of NIMA (PUC-Rio’s Interdisciplinary Environmental Centre).


Lattes Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1025380440209314

Academia.edu: https://pucrj.academia.edu/DeborahDanowski

International Symposium The Thousand Names of Gaia: From the Anthropocene to the Age of the Earth (Os Mil Nomes de Gaia: Do Antropoceno à Idade da Terra): https://thethousandnamesofgaia.wordpress.com

Research Projects:

Thoughts on decline (financed by the CNPq, ongoing);

Denialism (ongoing);

Leibniz’s notion of perspective (financed by the CNPq, concluded) ;

The typology of souls in Leibniz (financed by the CNPq, concluded);

Perfection and temporality in Leibniz (financed by the CNPq, concluded);

Nature’s nature (concluded).

Main Publications:

Complete articles in academic journals

“Indifference, symmetry and perfection according to Leibniz”. Kriterion, 42 (104), 2001: 49-71.

“Order and disorder in Leibniz’s Theodicy. Revista Indice [www.revistaindice.com.br], 3 (1) 2011/1: 41-55.

“David Hume, the beginning and the end”. Kriterion, 124, 2011: 331-343.

“The hyperrealism of climatic changes and the many faces of denial”. Sopro, 70, 2012: 2-11. Florianópolis: Cultura e Barbárie.

“Predicates as events in Leibniz”. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica, 51 (129-131), 2013: 413-422.

“Un monde vivant : Une lecture de Laudato Si’ depuis la clameur de la Terre”. Relations, 2019: 36-40.

Book chapters

“Philosophy with literature: four cases of insomnia”. In Arte Brasileira e Filosofia: Espaço Aberto Gerd Bornheim, edited by Rosa M. Dias, 154-168. Rio de Janeiro: Uapê, 2007.

“L’arrêt de monde” (with Eduardo Viveiros de Castro). In De l’Univers Clos au Monde Infini, edited by Emilie Hache, 221-339. Paris: Éditions Dehors, 2014.

“Mundos sob os fins que vêm”. In Dias, S.O., S.; Wiederman & A.C.R. Amorim (orgs.). Conexões: Deleuze e Cosmopolíticas e Ecologias Radicais e Nova Terra e... Campinas: ALB/FE/UNICAMP, 2019. E-Book, 365 pp. ISBN: 978-85-61593-77-3. Pp. 85-96.

Edited volumes and special editions

Special edition of the journal O que nos faz Pensar: Homenagem a Bento Prado Junior (a tribute to Brazilian philosopher Bento Prado Junior) 22, Dec. 2007.

Special edition of the journal O que nos faz Pensar: I Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro Leibniz: Linguagem e Metafísica. (First Luso-Brazilian Symposium on Leibniz: Language and Metaphysics.) 26th Dec. 2009. (with E. Marques).

The Thousand Names of Gaia: From the Anthropocene to the Age of the Earth (with Eduardo Viveiros de Castro & Felipe Süssekind, editors). (in the press).


Há mundo por vir? Ensaio sobre os medos e os fins (with Eduardo Viveiros de Castro). Desterro: ISA and Cultura & Barbárie, 2014. 2nd reprint, revised by the authors, 2015. 175 pages. 2nd edition (revised and with new introduction by the authors), 2017. 183 p.

Translations of the book above, edited and with new introductions by the authors: 1) The Ends of the World. Cambridge: Polity, 2016. 186p. (trans. Rodrigo Nunes); 2) Hay mundo por venir? Ensayo sobre los miedos y los fines. Buenos Aires: Caja Negra. 2019. 224 pp. (trans. Rodrigo Álvarez); 3) In welcher Welt leben? Ein Versuch über die Angst vor dem Ende. Berlim: Matthes & Seitz. 2018. 220 pp. (trans. Ulrich van Loyen and Clemens van Loyen); 4) Esiste un mondo a venire? Saggio sulle paure della fine. Roma: Nottetempo. 2017. 320 pp. (trans. Alessandro Lucera and Alessandro Palmieri).

(pamphlet) Negacionismos. Coleção Pandemia. São Paulo: Editora n-1, 2018. ISBN: 9788566943726. 26 pp.

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