Palestra: The Liberation of Philosophical Psychology (LEME)

É com grande entusiasmo que convidamos todas as pessoas para a próxima palestra do Seminário de Linguagem, Epistemologia e Metafísica (LEME), ministrada por Richard Winfield (University of Georgia).

Título da Palestra: The Liberation of Philosophical Psychology

Resumo: The essay identifies the four prevailing dogmas that block any true conception of mind: the beliefs 1) that mind is an epistemological foundation, 2) that there is a duality of mind and body, 3) that mind is reducible to consciousness, and 4) that mind is exclusively discursive.  These dogmas are then examined and refuted, paving the way for a valid philosophical psychology.  On this basis, the essay concludes by putting artificial intelligence in its proper place, showing why that impostor impersonator is incapable of engaging in conceptualization, the hallmark of discursive intelligence and of any philosophical investigation of mind.

Informações sobre a palestrante: Richard Dien Winfield (PhD Yale) is Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Georgia, where he has taught since 1982.

Data e Horário: 17/05/2024 às 14h.

Local: Sala do Decanato do CTC (12 andar do Leme), campus da PUC-Rio.ㅤ

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